Superbloom Healing
the Art & Soul podcast
Ignite Your Power

Ignite Your Power

by activating your Solar Plexus

In this episode, we look into the Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of confidence, personal power, and willpower. We explore its emotional and mental aspects—such as the impact of unresolved anger, fear of power, and feelings of powerlessness—and how they shape our self-esteem and decision-making. We also look at the physical connections, like digestion, energy levels, and the role of hormones such as insulin and adrenaline.

Of course special focus is given to how creatives can harness their Solar Plexus energy to confidently express their art, overcome fear of criticism, and take bold steps toward their creative goals. Tune in for practical techniques to balance and strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra.

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Superbloom Healing
the Art & Soul podcast
Welcome to The Art & Soul Podcast, where your creativity and spiritual awakening converge. I’m Alicia, and in each episode, I'll guide you as we embrace the full spectrum of the human experience, exploring the depths of our souls to unlock our highest potential, both personally and creatively. We’ll dive into stories, tools, and practices that nurture your creative, empathetic soul. This is a sanctuary for artists seeking deeper spiritual growth, healing, and self-discovery. Together, we'll navigate the delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit, cultivating a space where you can heal, grow, and thrive as a sensitive and creative human being.
Say goodbye to self-doubt, fear, and the belief that you have to suffer for your art. It’s time to embrace your unique brilliance and share your gifts with the world. Let's create, heal, and transform together.